Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Morning Facebook time

Most of you know that I am a very methodical person. For example-I do the exact same thing every time I get into my car. Yes--you'll just have to trust me on that one.
It's funny how these little routines in my life keep me on track, on time, and calm. Let me tell you something that has become normal in my morning routine.
The Routine::
In the morning when my cell phone alarm goes off, I grab it and put it under my pillow while pushing the side button for a 5 minute snooze. Now I know what you're thinking...not a very smart thing to do, right? Well....yes, you're right, but I do at least keep it in my hand. So, next is a different alarm on my phone that I set for 4 minutes later-which, as you can guess is immediately met by my thumb on the button turning it off (still under the pillow). Next comes the snooze of the first alarm 1 minute later....are you keeping up with this? And four minutes after that-the Snooze from the second alarm. Now, this little circle of musical pillow continues until I break free of whatever crazy dream I am having and decide to get up.  I roll over Lexi, who thinks that I'm playing some type of cruel game with her ears and immediately tries to bite whatever body part might be gliding over her head. (bad kitty...) Next, I grab my robe and put on my kitty house slippers and leave the dark bedroom with my sleeping beauty (yes, I'm talking about Adam) stays wrapped up tight in the covers. I take a bathroom break, shower (I'm just going to leave out my bathroom routines if you don't mind), and exit the steamy bathroom towards our sink area. I grab a Kleenex to wipe the leftover mascara from under my eyes, use my daily nose spray for my sinus issues, put on deodorant, and grab my electric toothbrush for my morning adventure. Now--THIS is the fun part. I like to make sure to spend PLENTY of time brushing my teeth. So....I wander...while brushing my teeth....Usually just into the office to check my email. So yesterday, I ended up wandering onto Facebook and had the laugh of my life!  I scroll through the posts to my friend Lauren Byrer's and read this:

"If you see a little boy pooping in our front yard, please feel free to call me. Yes, he belongs to us and no, we don't condone it."

Hilarious...and what completes the post are all of the comments and suggestions from people afterwards like :

"Jack is just going green. Why waste all of that fertilizer by flushing it down the toilet?", "You can get really nice pooper scoopers at Southern States", "I have an extra muck rake if you want to borrow it for this phase.", "I was going to ask you how potty training was going. Successful, I guess :)".

Thank you, Lauren for your hilarious view of the things in your life. I love having a morning laugh as part of my daily routine!

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