Sunday, August 22, 2010

Busy Busy Weekends!

This weekend was a really busy one!  Friday night, we went out with Adam's family for his birthday dinner at his new favorite chinese buffet...No 1 Super!  After dinner we went back to his parent's house for ice cream cake and some hang-out time with Adam's cousin, Chris, who just got married. 

Saturday, we hurried up to University Town Center to run some errands and then off to the Wing Cook-off to judge.  Let me tell you--I would have NEVER in a million years tried some of the flavors that I put in mouth for that competition....but, I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed many of the unusual flavors that were presented!  One of them, whose maker will remain nameless, looked like a deep fried piece of poop with white chunks on top.  Turned out it was Pina Calada flavored....I don't recommend it.  It was thick and mushy from the coconut syrup on top...Blah!  I wish I had thought to take a picture.  I just don't know what that team was thinking sending that into the judges......blah just thinking about it!  Got to hang out for a little bit with some great friends there and then headed off to the church for weekend rehearsals.

This weekend, we sang "Don't Stop Believing" as performed by Glee.  Adam and I got to sing the leads and I had a BLAST!  It was so much fun!  Angie, a good friend of mine, told me that she took a nap that afternoon after all the wings and dreamed about me singing that song as me...and then turning into Rachel (from the show "Glee) singing it...which is an honor-because she has an AMAZING voice!  We finished up the evening after the church service eating dinner at Olive Garden with a fun crowd.

I know what you're thinking...and yes...I gained weight this weekend :-)  Who cares!

Today we went in for the morning services to greet the students back in town with an awesome stage set and music set.  Tim is preaching a series on finding your Identity in Christ...I'm very excited to hear the next messages!

We came home and I studied for a while and then took a break by going to support my favorite co-ed softball team "The Phils" in the playoffs!  They have had a winning season and it was a blast subbing in when needed and also just watching some of their games.  Go Phils!

Now, I'm studying....well, that's not'm typing this blog.  But I felt like taking a break to ramble for a bit.  Oh--not finished yet!

So, outside the stage entrance to our church was a little bat clinging to the brick column.  We have seen him before....let's call him...Maurice.  Yes, Maurice likes to join us for church every now and then.  About a month ago, as he was flying through the sanctuary during a Saturday practice, he stopped to take a break a little too close to a new singer that was there.  Chad politely wrapped up Maurice in a cloth and put him outside.  I like to think that Maurice really enjoys being a part of Chestnut Ridge Church.  We do say that this is a church for everyone....really.  So Maurice finds comfort in "hanging around" outside the building.  Here's a picture of him....cute little guy.
So, I'm glad that our church really is appealing to everyone...even Maurice!

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