Thursday, August 5, 2010

Carbon Monoxide!!

Dramatic Title, eh?  WELL, last night, as I was dreaming away in "Nicki's World", I was awaken by a talking alarm.  By the time that I realized that this was not some new creative way my phone was attempting to wake me up in the morning, I deciphered that it was 1:30 and I was hearing the voice of a pleasant woman saying "Low Battery" followed by an extremely loud BEEEEEEP!   I can only assume that I heard this several times while sleeping and thought it was my phone alarm since I found my phone in my hand and under the pillow  (remember my morning routine....I take it very seriously:-)

Lexi was looking at me like--WHO IS TALKING TO ME??  So I ask Adam, while half asleep, "Do you hear that beeping?"  He said-"Yes".  I follow with, "What is it?"  1:30 Adam responds, "Is it higher or lower than you?" 

What?!?  Who asks that question??  I said--"Higher".  So, out rolls Adam to investigate the talking beeper.  It's our Carbon Monoxide detector on the ceiling....which is really high by the way...and INCREDIBLY difficult to remove from the ceiling.  After about 20 minutes of Adam trying, me wandering around him trying, me trying, Adam finding the manual and trying, me reading the manual and trying again....I gave up and welcomed my new found battery attendant into the dream that I was about to enter into.  Adam fixed it a little while later and came back to bed. 

This morning as I was recalling what happened, I watched a video of my niece, Ruth, that kind of reminded me of what I must have looked like last night while all of this was going on.  See what you think :  (New link-it should work now!)

Isn't she hilarious?   And just so you know...we replaced the battery...which was a 9volt, which I just HAPPENED to have in an old guitar tuner of mine! Praise the Lord we had one so we could make the alarm stop!

Here's how I found it this morning...guess Adam got angry with it :-)

1 comment:

  1. I can see this happening and I'm cracking up. I love that Adam asked you if it was higher or lower than yours. You definitely don't want to get out of bed if a drag queen is talking to you in the middle of the night. That would be weird.


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