Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What a weekend!

I had a great Labor Day weekend!  How about you? 

Friday night, Adam sang the National Anthem at the WVU men's soccer game and we stayed for the game.  I've got to say that I much prefer a live WVU Soccer game to a live WVU Football game.  Although the energy at a football game is unreplacable, the calmness at the soccer game allows me to actually focus on the game--which I very much enjoyed.  The crowd was packed on the blechers of the very nice soccer field and we had a great time.  We were expecting to be sitting alone for the game, but we actually saw alot of people that we knew there-so it was a great time!

Saturday morning, we set off to the hottest Morgantown shopping spots-The University Town Center (which I am pleased to say is spelled correctly....none of that fancy stuff like "Towne" and "Centre"....just spell it right people...) and then off to the Morgantown Mall (not the deserted one that I work at...the actual normal mall with hundreds of stores).  I am very thankful to have such a thrifty husband when it comes to shopping for clothes.  He is great at finding deals!  My stamina is a little lacking when it comes to how long I can stand shopping, but Adam is always there pulling me along, trying to get me to find things for myself. 

After that, I dropped Adam off at the church for weekend practice and service while I hit the grocery store and got some things accomplished at the house that afternoon.  Church after that-where I am really enjoying the series-and then dinner with our friends that enjoy eating out with us on Saturday nights-the Griffiths!

Sunday-I made cupcakes for the Meadow's/Griffith's Labor Day bash that resembled hamburgers...I think I have learned my lesson with this whole "cupcakes from scratch" stuff.  They're just never as good as Duncan Hines or Betty Crocker....Duncan and Betty definitely nailed it when it comes to cake why mess with perfection?  The cupcakes I made had a "brownie cupcake" middle as the patty with all vanilla icing-dyed to look like lettuce, mustard, and ketchup (is that how you spell it?  I get it Cats-up, or Kat-chup, or's not right...).  I wasn't pleased with the density of the brownie cupcake, but everyone said it tasted good-so I guess that's ok.  Here's some pictures:

We spent the afternoon eating, chatting, and taking part in the largest corn-hole tournament of all time!  Adam and I did ok....I think we were 4th or 5th place...something like that.  I am glad to say that I focused on the game at hand-regardless of the many distractions like community and fellowship around me.  Adam--you're welcome!  Just kidding....I had a great time and afterwards we lit up a giant fire, made some 'smores and then ended the evening with a lovely game of of the best games ever!

Monday, Adam and I head out to the Tanger Outlets in Washington, PA where we continued to find good deals and load up on "vacation" clothes.  Of course, I couldn't help but buy some work clothes, because I'm always in need of those.  We both stayed within our budget even with a little left over--so we'll just see what that gets spent on :-)

We finished up the evening catching up some tv--Big Brother to be exact.  Why is it that we love to watch this drama??  I'm not usually a big fan of drama--definitely the screaming kind, but the cast that is left on Big Brother this season is all alot of fun people, so they get along, and they're still playing the game.  Great show! 

I'm starting my workouts again this week to get in a little better shape before I blow up like a balloon on our cruise in a couple weeks...can't wait for that cruise food!  Yum!  But my muscles are definitely hating me right now.  Shame on me for waiting until the last minute to work out....oh well.  Can't help it!  There's just been too much fun to be had lately!  Bring it on P90X!  Let's see what you got!

1 comment:

  1. Ya know, I'm gonna have to disagree with you on one point. Your made from scratch cupcakes were awesome. Did you taste them? They were moist and flavorful. Box mixes lack in moistness and have something funky in their taste. I'll eat 'em, don't get me wrong, but the made from scratch ones are YUMM-O. And the brownie cupcakes in the middle of the cake cupcakes were perfect - they were more dense (just like a burger) and were very very good. Just my two cents.


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