Friday, August 10, 2012

It's a girl!

So, you all know by know, but yes--we are having a girl!  The ultrasound was an interesting experience :-)  We'll find out more about the health and everything at our next Dr appt once the Dr has a chance to review all of the pictures the ultrasound technition took.  From the date of the early ultrasound we had done, which they say is the more accurate date, we were 19 weeks, 3 days along.  The technition yesterday said that the growth currently puts her at 20 weeks, 1 day--but says that they are less reliable for age the further along since babies grow at different rates.  So who knows.  Here's the only profile picture they gave us:

Preparing for the ultrasound was interesting.  I had to drink so much liquid within an hour of the test, and not "void" any of it...that kind of thing.  By the time I made it to the Dr's office, I was about to explode.  As if my belly didn't feel tight enough!  Then, we sat in the waiting room for 45 minutes before being taken back.  Ouch.  I hop on the table and of course, the rubbing and pushing began.  I must have been holding my breath or something to buffer the pain because about 15 minutes in, I felt like I was going to pass out!  After a few minutes of feeling like that, I mentioned it to the technition, who had me sit up...and she said..."yeah--i thought you looked a little pale all of a sudden..."  Then--she gave me permission to go to the bathroom.  What a weakling I am.  Can't even hold my bladder for three hours....  So, after that, I was able to enjoy the pictures of floating body parts magically appearing on the screen.  It is a baffling experience.  I really don't understand one bit how she can have that device in the same place and see so many different angles and different things.  Really strange.  I'm pretty sure that the baby kicked the device twice, but I hadn't felt anything before that time, so I wasn't sure exactly what was happening.  The technition didn't seemed amused with any of mine or Adam's strange comments.  When she finished taking a million pictures for the dr to review, she wiped me off and said "All done, have a good day!".  We looked at her like....and the baby is...what?  So I asked if she was able to tell us the sex of the baby--which is what we were expecting.  And she was like, "oh--you want to know??".  Like it's not all over my chart--I've told them every time I go in that we want to know!  She said that she saw what it was, but she would go ahead and show us since we wanted to know.  She jellied up my belly again and started digging in.  We got a very unlady-like view and all agreed--that's a chick!  She didn't give me a picture though.  Oh well.  At least we got this nice one.  And one of the foot...which looks like we have long toes in our future...but at least it was five toes on a foot. 

After the appt, we called all of you people (because let's face it, no one else reads this blog), to update you on the situation while we grabbed some quick dinner and then headed off to Adam's softball games for the evening.  They won both games, and Adam didn't get hit with a ball--win, win, win.  After that--it was off to "Smitty's" with some couples for some local ice cream treats.  After that --groceries that we desperately needed, and then I made cookies to bring into work today.  It was a long night :-) 

I had put up a list that people could guess whether it was a boy or a girl at work.  Winners got goodies.  Well, I'm too nice, and they all got goodies, but the people that guessed girl got theirs first--baggies with chocolate cake mix cookies tied up with a pink ribbon.  You're welcome, Mylan employees....

Work was definitely stressful Monday--which ended with an afternoon of crying, which I can only blame on the fact that I'm carrying around another chick inside of me.  Double the estrogen.  But I kept from crying in front of anyone, which is what I really care about.  Life if tough, sometimes you just have to cry it out.

We had a successful experience with "Craig's List" online.  We needed space in our bedrooms upstairs, so we had to get rid of my futon from college.  I really didn't want to, but Adam convinced me that we need the space and if we need another futon once we move into a bigger house, we'll just buy one then.  So, with no Craig's List experience, we took pictures and put in an add to see if anyone wanted to buy it.  We have already had a few offers in two days--we just have to get someone to agree to pick it up--because we have no way of transporting it.

Tonight we went over to Kathy and Tony's house for dinner to celebrate Tony's birthday (which is Friday).  Liz and Tyler surprised us with a small gift for the baby--pink disney socks!  They are so cute!  Here's a pic:

Aren't they cute?!  We thought they were shoes at first because they have little plastic forms inside, but they are socks.  I'm sure more disney things will be coming soon since we're headed to Disney World in a month.  Kathy is really excited that she'll finally be able to buy little girl stuff at disney.  Having two boys doesn't exactly give you the opportunity to take care of the "disney princess" cravings that her and Tony have been having all of these years! 

Tomorrow we will be going to a wedding rehearsal for a wedding Saturday.  Adam is singing in it.  It was supposed to be both of us, but once they settled on the songs, we thought it would be best if only Adam sang them.  No need for me to stand up there for a few humms and ahhs.  It should be a fun time on Saturday.  Hopefully we can find some time to make it to the mall to get dress pants this weekend!  I'm still needing them and it's getting more and more challenging to fit into regular dress pants every day.  Oh--by the way, I really will try to get some belly pics on here soon!  We're taking them every wednesday, but with my camera, which means I have to have the time to open up the slow kodak program on our home computer, plug ion my camaera, dump them into the library, label them so I can find them, and then get them onto here somehow.  I'll do my best to get them on soon!

Going to bed in a few.  I'm starting to get really tired a lot again...not cool with that, but I probably need to try to slow down a bit.  Listen to my body.  ....or the little girl kicking me from the inside.  Oh yeah--she's been kicking me yesterday and today.  So either I am having a multitude of random gas (which is totally possible), or this little chick is having a tantrum.  I don't mind it now.  It reminds me that someone is in there.  Hopefully it won't get too annoying when it gets harder :-)

Good night!

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