Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Interesting Day today...

So...fun weekend..followed by interesting week days. 

The rehearsal and wedding that we went to on Friday and Saturday were a great time!  Adam did a great job singing and everything went well.  The families were so sweet and we got to spend a great deal of time with them and another couple that goes to CRC that we didn't really know very well before. We had a very good time.

We got to sleep in on Saturday and Sunday!!  I can't even remember the last time I got to sleep in!  It felt wonderful!  We got to go to the 11:00am service on Sunday, and I for sure can't remember when the last time Adam and I got to go to a service together without one of us serving that weekend.  Again--it was a great time!  After church, we met with up with a guitar player to practice for a wedding we're singing at this coming Saturday.  It has some fun songs, will be outdoors, and I get to wear my light blue converses with my dress!  How fun is that?!  We're singing "Lucky" - a duet, I am singing "Arms" by Christina Perri, and then the couple will do their first dance to us singing "To Be With You" by Mr Big.  Fun stuff!  It will just be us and an aucustic guitar with no sound system, so I'll have to sing much louder than I am used to so that I am heard.  It will be a fun time.  Our rehearsal for this one will be tomorrow night-Wednesday, so I'm looking forward some good fellowship and good food at the dinner! 

Sunday after church, we went up to the mall to try to do some clothes shopping for me.  We walked in and saw the movie theater...and cracked.  We decided to see a movie!  These spur of the moment decisions won't be happening anymore come next year, so we decided to just go ahead and watch the movie.  We got out with 40 minutes to shop left before stores closed....and guess what....I found two pairs of work pants!  Yay!  I still need a brown pair and a grey pair would be nice, but I'll just keep looking.   I really do like to two that I found though, so I'm very happy. 

Today was an interesting day.  I was very busy, and went mid-day after some meetings to the post office to mail mom's rx's to her.  I thought I needed to use the restroom on my way out, but didn't think I'd be out long, so figured I could hold it.  Well....it took a while longer than I expected and I was in so much pain, I could barely move my foot from the gas to the break.  I was really struggling getting in and out of the car.  The pain was so severe that I could hardly breathe.  So, obviously...this was a problem.  I remembered at that time that this had been happening to me each night.  I will wake up in the middle of the night in severe pain, needing to go pee.  I have been stuggling to roll over and get out of bed, and waddle down the hall to get to the bathroom.  After I pee, I'm SO much better, and just have a little achy leftover pain afterwards, but 10 times better than before.  I hadn't thought anything about this until it happened to me in the day time.  Then I remembered that I felt this pain when I went in for my ultrasound last week.  Remember I told you that I felt like I was going to pass out because I was in so much pain.  Same thing.  So--what did I do?  I finished what I was doing and got my butt back to work as quickly as possible so I could use the restroom!  I was fine after that, but decided that it might be a good idea to call my doctor just to let them know what was going on, and make sure I was fine until my regular appointment on Friday.  I talked to the nurse and she told me to leave work immediately and go to the Emergency Room.  Now--let me go ahead and point out before I explain what happened.  I am fine and healthy.  The baby is fine a healthy.  We're good. 

Ok--so she told me to go straight to the emergency room, she would call ahead and let them know I was on my way.  Probably just a precaution, but she wanted me to be checked out immediately.  Needless to say, that freaked me out a little bit, but I told a friend at work that I had to leave for the ER, just a precaution, but I needed to go right then.  I got in the car, called Adam to let him know to meet me there, and on to the hospital I went.  I got there and they quickly took me up to labor and delivery.  It's weird being pushed around in a wheelchair by someone.  Very strange.  They asked a million questions, hooked me up to a few different monitoring devices--first of all, checked the baby's heart beat--and it was totally fine.  She was even in a playful mood and thought she would kick the monitor thing everytime they started pressing it in.  It sounded very funny :-)  Everything was fine as far as pregnancy went.  A few different people came in and out--I got to listen to a lady screaming her way through delivery across the hall--oh yeah.  It was a really busy day, so they didn't have a room for me--they stuck me in the Recovery Room nook on the side of a hallway, so I was watching babies come out of doors ever so often.  Pretty neat.  So, after that, they said it was possible that I had a kidney stone, though very strange that I was only hurting when I had to pee, and relieved of the pain soon after doing so.  They wanted an ultrasound of my kidneys to check things out.  Well, Adam had to leave for a softball game, and since I was perfectly fine, we knew he was fine to not be there.  Off he went, and I waited in that room for 2 more hours without anyone coming in.  Just a blood pressure cuff automatically taking my blood pressure every 15 minutes, and a contraction monitor wrapped around my belly for precaution.  Adam was able to finish up and then bring me some dinner back to the hospital.  I was pretty hungry.  We ate, I decided to try to nap because my butt was tired of sitting in the same spot for 4 hours, and just waited.  Finally, someone came, took me to get the kidney ultrasound, and then brought me back.  I think it was after 9 at that point.  The doctor came in and said the radiologist that reads the ultrasound is busy with another patient right now and it could be hours before he gets to mine.  She took and look and said nothing seemed strange...except one thing.  My bladder was REALLY BIG! 

That's a weird thing to hear.  I did have to use the restroom, but wasn't in pain or anything.  I had just had some lemonade from Chick-fil-a.  Evidentally it made my bladdar expand a lot and she said something about my kidney being something....like surrounded by liquid or something.  I'm not sure. Nothing to fret about, it just looks like I am unaware of when I need to pee!  How weird is that!  So, instead of waiting around for the actual results, she said we could leave as long as I let them know if I was having problems again.  Oh..and one more thing.  I have to set my alarm and make myself pee AT LEAST every 2 hours.  Day and night.  Night and day.  That's right.  I am a kindergardener that needs to be reminded to go pee.  How embarassing :-)  She's afraid that I'm not fullying "voiding" and then I can't tell when I have to go again, get busy, and forget, and it's causing a lot of strain on my bladder.  Surely, there is not a technical term for this...

So--solution.  Pee more.  Hopefully this will solve any problems I have in the future.  Sorry to all of the meetings that I will have to leave early/be late for...or leave in the middle of.  My doctor said I have to pee.  So there. 

So--we got home around 9:30 or so and I will definitely be going to bed now.  I've set my alarm for my potty breaks and I'm ready to go!  Hopefully for a night free of bladder pain :-)  Wish me luck!

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