Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ok...Babies! (this time, yes..for me)

So, I know what you're thinking.  Am I actually going to consistantly post on this blog.  To that I say....Who knows?!  I haven't been sleeping well lately, and have been pretty tired, and one of the solutions I found on was to "journal" before you go to bed so it gives you a chance to "close the book on today" and then leave those thoughts somewhere so you can sleep.  I figure--if I'm going to ramble about my day, might as well put it on the ole' internet in case any nosey family members or friends care to read along. 

I will warn you--this will be RAMBLING...possibly a little complaining...who knows.  So--if you don't want to read it--don't.  Fine by me.  This way-you make the call and I might sleep better at night.  Win, Win. (win..for you Office fans out there).  Oh--and this first one will be rediculously long, because I have to get you caught up with things.

Ok--enough introduction. Yes-I'm pregnant.  You thought that's what this was going to be about, didn't you?  Was it the title that made you think that?  Well, I don't know why....

As of today, I am 12 weeks, 5 days prego.  That's going off of my last ultrasound-which was done forever ago at 6wks 6days.  I guess I'll post a picture...Viola! :

So, at this appointment we were able to see this little roach looking thing in my uterus.  It is literally sucking the life out of me, turns out!  On the right half of it, there was fluttering of the heart that looked like wings on top of a roach...hence my nickname for baby Etris.  We also heard the heart beat for the first time.  That's always a relief, right?  It was just kind of weird.  Just one more item of proof to show that I'm not crazy, and yes, I am really pregant.  I'm not just acting that way for sympathy, which is kind of the way I felt at that point. 

Since then, I can say that I have only been mildly queasy on most days, and only had a few bad days where I just tried to stay still and not move around too much.  This works nicely with my job lately since I sit at a computer most of my day.  I just try to keep snacking throughout the day and I seem to mostly be fine.  I've only had one barfy morning, but I'm going to attribute that to a bad headache I had over the weekend that just would not was probably the combo of that, and my sensitive gag reflex while brushing my very back teeth.  Don't forget the tongue!  Yeah--bad combination of things happening at the same time.  It really just reminded me that I needed to clean my toilet.  Yuck.

Oh a semi-related note, my good friend, Ashley Griffith, dropped by some goodies off for me yesterday.  The package included (ear muffs, boys) some larger bras that I have been in need of and a little surprise.  A book called "Belly Laughs" by Jenny McCarthy.  Jenny McCarthy is known for her tasteless humor and no concern for her dignity.  This, of course, puts her in a perfect position to write a book about her pregnancy.  Let me just say-----HILARIOUS!!  There's definitely a lot of language in this book, but the laughs are well worth reading through them!  Just reading the chapter titles in the Table of Contents had me laughing out loud!  She has no shame in her descriptions of what happened and how she was feeling.  I started reading it last night and had to stop after a while because I was laughing so hard, I couldn't breathe and was crying, so I couldn't keep my eyes open!  Adam, naturally, thought I was nuts.  I got almost half way through it last night and can't wait to get back to it.  I wouldn't dare read it anywhere in public, though, because I might not be able to control my laughter.  It's really, really funny.  I recommend it to anyone who is or has been pregnant.  You will totally be able to relate :) 

With all of this said, I think I'll wrap it up for the day.  I have to leave something to talk about tomorrow...that is...assuming I remember to blog.  We'll have to wait and see.

Oh--lastly, just in case any of you missed it (and I don't think the small audience that actually reads this thing includes anyone who did), here's the picture we put on Facebook to announce our pregnacny to the world.  And it was my idea, by the way.  I'm funny too. 

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