Sunday, June 24, 2012

A great weekend.

This has been a nice weekend.  A nice mixture of rest and fun.  Saturday morning, Adam had to go in early at the church to get some set design things completed for the weekend services.  That left the house to me for the morning and early afternoon.  I caught up a couple of shows I had DVR'd and just sat lazily on the couch.  After that, I was motivated to accomplish something for the day, so I changed into some outdoor clothes and pulled weeds in our flower beds and front sidewalk for a little bit.  It was hot.  I cleaned up the living room a bit, and then headed upstairs to take on my closet and...oh yeah...unpacking from San Francisco.  Yes.  I am lazy and have not unpacked from last week's adventure.  I told you I did nothing this week in the evenings...I was not kidding.

I decided that it's time for me to make room for any new clothes I might be getting in the upcoming months, so after unpacking and putting away my suitcase, I went ahead and went through a good amount of my clothes to put away clothes that I already can't wear, or fall/winter clothes that I won't be able to fit into once the cooler weather shows up.  I normally keep a few lighter sweaters in my closet during the summer for the simple fact that it is FREEZING in my office, and since we moved into the new location (not new anymore, moved there in June 2012), they took away our space heaters because of some fire hazard or something.  Needless to say, I spend most days in my same little gray jacket that I keep at the office.  I could probably not wear a shirt for a week and no one would notice anything different.  It's gray jacket and whatever shoes and pants I happen to be wearing that day.  Oh--and just in case--I am NOT planning on going to work topless any time soon.  Just to be clear. 

After making some nice space in my closet for maternity clothes, I went ahead and got ready for the day since I had to be at the church at 2:30 for rehearsal and then the Saturday night service.  I have determined that my face is already looking chubby--so to hide this, I have two solutions.  ONE--ponytail.  This is easy because I wear a low ponytail to work almost every day now.  I take a shower, brush my hair and let it air dry a tad while getting ready, and then pull it back before I leave for work.  Easy as pie.  Having the ponytail makes sure that my hair doesn't add any pounds to my face.  TWO--super straight hair.  I noticed that if I curl the bottoms under or out, it just makes my hair have more body and thus--chubby face.  So, if I straighten it as much as I can, it seems to have a slimming effect.  Yay.  So--Saturday was the first time I tried the straight look since I got my hair cut.  (I got a few inches taken off the day before we left for San Fran.  It was entirely too long).

We had a great practice at church, great service, and then Adam and I went to Archie's Lakehouse (on Cheat Lake) and ate a small dinner.  I tried their French Onion soup for the first time.  I have a new favorite :-)  

Sunday, we were up early to make it to practice before the services, and then two services this morning.  Afterwards, we came home real quick to change clothes and then head out to a cookout for a girl's birthday.  There was LOTS of yummy food, and then, what we always do at her house, Volleyball.  Now--the car temp registered at 93 while we were there, so don't even think that I was about to get out there and play. I DEFINITELY don't have the energy for that!  And plus, I want to try to be safe, so no chances there.  Adam played several games, got super sweaty, and then we headed back to the house a few hours ago.  Since then, we've been chillin' out, and now I'm off to bed.  Lots of fun. Good rest. Now for Monday..blah..

If I'm feeling spunky tomorrow, I might post a belly picture.  No promises...

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