Monday, December 20, 2010

Everybody needs the Post Office...and cupcakes

So I've made a few trips recently to the Post Office in downtown Morgantown.  Needless to say, with the holiday season being upon us, the lines have been quite long.  I do have to give props to this branch, though.  Each time I have gone, the line has been all the way to the entrance/exit, and each time it has moved very quickly.  There must have been 30 people in front of me this last time, with 4 workers, and I got out of there in less than 20 minutes.  If you would've seen the things that these people were being asked to accomplish--fit this into that, make this bill correct, my box key doesn't work--you would completely appreciate this feat.  I was quite intrigued with the skill that the workers moved through the line of complecated cases with calmness and one, even a smile.  Merry Christmas to you, Morgantown Post Office workers!

Yesterday afternoon I spent making cupcakes for a get together we're going to tonight.  I must say...they are so cute!  My cupcake book had around 6-7 different choices for Christmas cupcakes and I asked Adam to choose because I just couldn't decide!  He settled on cupcakes that look like Santa!  As I saw his choice, I felt a little overwhelmed, as there were lots of steps to completing the items that make up Santa's face and body parts.  I prepared and was good to go for my decorating marathon.  I also wanted to try getting away from the boxed cupcake batters and my good friend, Ashley Griffith, was nice enough to give me pretty much every dessert recipe she had in her collection.  Included was a Vanilla cupcake recipe that seemed simple enough....except for Cake Flour...whatever that is!  Ashley did answer my question about the whereabouts of "Cake Flour"...which probably would've been easier to take care....but I managed ok.  I actually asked an older woman that was wondering around in the breakfast sausage area of the supermarket what Cake Flour was.  She said that you could use all-purpose and add something to it...cornstarch she thought.  Good enough for me!  That meant that there was a logical explaination online somewhere, which was exactly the next step I took.  So--I had all of the ingredients at home already-what a great recipe!  I made a couple of extra cupcakes to taste-as I always do.  Adam said it was my best cupcake yet!  Yay, Ashley!  Success!  Hopefully they keep well for the get together this evening.  I put them in a Cake travel caddy, as they are too tall for my cupcake caddy.  I'm hoping I don't go to pull them our of the fridge tonight and find Santa heads rolling around...that would be tramatic...  I have been torn as whether to put a picture onto this blog, seeing as though they haven't technically been "revealed" I will wait until tomorrow to do so.  But--I figure that a blog always needs a little here's a picture of "Garth and Kat" from yesterday's skit at CRC (including Adam, Josh Rhodes, and myself).  I'm sure a video will pop up somewhere that will eventually be on here....who knows.

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