Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day

I'm not really sure what Labor Day is for.  What it stands for, anyway.  All I know is that it means I get a day off.  And that is exactly what I used it for.  Now, keep in mind, that a day off for me consists of organizing my life.  Not exactly doing nothing, but that is what I enjoy doing in my free time.  Organizing stuff to make life easier.  Yesterday's task--get our finances in order.  I have become some lazy about keeping up with everything that I'm constantly struggling to get things done at this last minute.  Not that anything has gone unpaid, or any deadlines missed, but I'm doing things last minute and on the fly.  Not my preferred way of functioning.  I know what my parents are thinking..."How did she become this when she was intent on studying the night before tests because she said that's how she learned the best??"  I know....I know.  I'm just a different person now.  I can't explain it.  Does this constant need to prepare for things means that I am always prepared and organized??  Hardly.  I'm just saying that when I get to spend time preparing or organizing, it has a calming effect on me.  It's something I enjoy doing when I have time to do it--and yesterday, I did.

I even made time to go on a walk last night.  I enjoy walking.  Gives me time to think.  I am not a huge fan of walking by myself in my neighborhood, but sometimes that is my only option.   Unfortunately, I am finding that when I walk a lot, say..20 minutes or so, I begin cramping.  My stomach begins cramping.  It's the feeling I had last week that sent me to the Dr's office.  They checked everything out.  I'm not having contractions--or at least, wasn't at the time I was in the office.  It seems whatever kidney issues I'm having likes to spread from my whole lower to mid back around my right side and all the way to under my belly.  It's not pleasant, but not entirely painful.  Just uncomfortable enough to make me stop to bring my knee to my chest.  That seems to help.  I'm just now realizing that we have a trip to Disney planned for next week.  I'm going to be walking for miles and miles everyday.  This could be an issue.  Oh wait!  They have wheelchairs!  Hello, comfortable seat!  This could be fun.  And when I'm doing ok and want to walk, I can push Adam around and he can pretend to have some ailement.  He'll like that.  Maybe I should take an Ace Bandage or something to make it more obvious for him.  Hmmm...

I am looking forward to the vacation.  I really enjoy the drive there.  We get to talk about what we want to do, eat litle snacks the whole way down, and I get some much needed down time to just read whatever I want and zone out.  We leave Saturday morning for that.  Maybe during that week, I can blog one funny picture a day with a little note about it.  Short and sweet.  That will be my goal.  Can't wait!

Ok--now, the moment you've all been waiting for.  A belly picture.  This is the picture I'm taking every Wednesday (this was last wednesday)  This is not for facebook.  It's the only one I have on my phone to transfer in.  The lighting is horrible, but it's the only one we took during the day, so the window light is shining through.  I must say, I look much bigger than this picture shows...I think, anyway.  Today I feel like I'm trying to smuggle a watermelon through my work day.  How much bigger can I get, really??

This is the "distraction" picture I am putting on here so my bare belly doesn't end up on everyone's Google Reader summary screen.  I asked it if the baby was really a girl....it said "Indications say Yes".  Glad it's finally official.

23 weeks.

Goodbye flat stomach.  It was fun while it lasted :-)

Have a lovely day...and you're welcome ;-)

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