Friday, February 4, 2011


I am blessed to have some friends that are pregnant right now.  I love seeing their pregnant bellies poking out from their completely normal sized bodies...what a strange concept that God came up with.  So along with pregnancies come Baby Showers, which I love to go to!  One that I went to last week was for Hillary Rhodes, who is in my church "community group" and her husband also works with Adam at the church as the college minister.  Hillary is having a girl and has chosen a theme of birds for her nursery.  She's gotten some completely adorable things going on with these birds, so she wanted to follow that theme by having bird cupcakes at the shower that her mother was throwing for her in Morgantown.  Hillary asked me if I could make these toasted coconut and Jordan almond covered cupcakes for her shower :

Sorry they're so dark - I couldn't find my camera so I had to snap a few quick ones with my phone.

I also wanted to share another cute cat sorry.  As I have mentioned in the past, Lexi sleeps by my legs on most nights.  The other night I woke up in the middle of the night, realized that I was squished over into Adam and couldn't move back over.  I looked down to see what was blocking me and it was the cutest cat ever....Lexi...She had turned perpendicular to me and had her paws covering her face like she was playing peek-a-boo in her dreams.  I thought it was cute and went back to sleep.  I woke up about an hour later, only to find her in this exact position.  She was sleeping the entire night with her face covered.  So...I took a picture...what else...

 Also notice that she had pushed the covers back to sleep directly on the fitted sheet.  Not sure why she does that, but it's pretty common with her sleeping habits.  Strange.

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