Friday, February 18, 2011

"Restroom Closed"...seriously?!

(Warning : I don't know what to blog about, so I'm just going to ramble...good luck)

So, things must be getting tight here at Mylan.  Evidentally they're really focusing on streamlining our work processes because they keep closing the restrooms!  Maybe we're not getting enough work done so they think if they randomly close bathrooms around the building, we'll just give up on finding one that is open and usable and get more work done. 

There are three bathroom areas (that I am aware of) in the Greenbag Road Mylan offices.  I am positioned 62 steps from one, and 74 steps from the another.  The third one seems farther, so I've never counted the steps.  What do you mean "why did I count the steps?"  That's a silly question.  To increase the efficiency of the time spent away from my desk of course  (I also know how many steps it is to the 2 closest break rooms too).  I can't help how I am...

So, the bathroom that is closest to me (we'll call it bathroom A) has been shut down for at least two weeks now.  There was no warning, just a sign on the door "Restroom Closed".  As I am a creature of habit, I continued to walk my 62 steps to bathroom A each new day, forgetting that it was closed, or sometimes remembering-but thinking "surely they have done what they needed to do by now."  Of course, I end up looking silly every day -having to stop-turn around-and walk back the way I came.  Of course, this has forced me to walk to the restroom that is 74 steps from my cube (we'll call it bathroom B) after walking back from the other.  Yes...I walked back to my cube, and took the route from there to the other's the fastest route...don't you trust me at this point??

I finally came to the acceptance that bathroom A just wasn't going to be available for a while, and walked to bathroom B this morning for my first "bio break" of the day.  You guessed was closed.  So, what did I do?  I walked back to my cube, and then over to bathroom A.  It was open.  (Praise the Lord).  I tried to figure out what has changed in the room.  What is it that was causing this two week closure? It seems quite bland now.  I think they changed the tile floor from black and white checkered to just a cream tile? Or maybe it wasn't black and white, maybe it was hard ceramic tile changed to that thin cheap stuff?  Not really sure, but the floor seems different...

The funny thing about all of this is that other people are going through the same failed trips as me.  You hear/see a couple of people walk one way past your desk...and then about a minute later, walk by the opposite direction, and then again back to their desks.  You hear things like "did you know?", "I didn't know", "well where are we supposed to?" get the gest. 

Luckily, bathroom A is back on the market, so I will be able to regain my "bio break " efficiency that I once had, thus increasing the time "working" that I spend each day.  I think I would like to celebrate this by taking the time to walk to the third bathroom and counting the steps.  Any bets on how many it will be??


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