Friday, October 22, 2010

It's been a while

So yes, I apologize for my long hiatus from by blog.  I have been busy, with all great things might I add, so sitting down at the computer for long enough to write about my time has been all but a distant thought!

Let's see...what's been going on....

I have been reorganizing a lot of things in my life to fit into my new role at Mylan.  Of course, my job description has hardly changed, but there has been lots of paperwork and red tape getting switched over from a consultant to an employee.  It's the little things that get me excited though-filling out forms, going to training meetings, getting colorful company manuals to read through.  Yes...I am a nerd...I know.  With all of this, I am really thankful for being able to be a real part of this company.  Mylan does a lot of "giving" that most people are unaware of.  They really are trying to make a difference by providing generic medications all over the world.  It's a great company that I will enjoy supporting for as long as they'll have me. 

My friend, Ashley, had a birthday a little over a week ago.  We got to have a sort of scavenger hunt/surprise party for her on her lot of land that a house will one day be built on.  Chad, her husband, took her on a trip down memory lane around Morgantown with the final destination being the party.  It was lots of bonfire fun with a wonderful ice cream cake and fun games to round out the evening!  I'm thinking we're going to have to have a lot more outdoor parties on that lot before they move in so that the loud noises that we make when we all get together will scare away the coyotes that live in the surrounding wilderness....we wouldn't want precious Zoie or Ziggy (their dogs) to disappear in the middle of the night...let alone their new baby..which won't be new anymore when they get around to building this place!  Fun was had by all!

I am trying out a new budgeting tool for the remainder of year.  It's based on the idea of a zero budget.  The idea is that I allocate every single penny that we make (using a spreadsheet) so that at the end of the pay period, my "account" has a zero balance.  This way, we know what we are spending our money on instead of just random costs that eat up your bank balance.  Now, all of this money is not spent, it's just allocated.  For example, savings groups (vacation, Christmas, new car, new get the idea).  All of the money that is actually spent on things is put into categories (much like a regular budget) to make sure that we're not spending more than what we want in each category.  It's all alot of fun for me to play with-so I'm hoping that I can keep it up and we can really use the money that God provides us with in the wisest manner.  After all--"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much" Luke 16:10.  So...hoping to get this right :-)

This weekend will be filled with Home Group tonight with some game playing (of course...cause that's just what we do).  Adam and I are singing this weekend at church, so that will take up a lot of the rest of the weekend.  I get to sing a Francesca Batistelli song (Unpredictable) that I really enjoy-so that will be fun.  She has an amazing voice and a great album of songs to match.  I highly recommend it!  We are also considering painting our office (like we've been planning on doing for around 2 years now).  We did take the next step and bought the paint, so now we're stuck and have to do it...finally.  Maybe this weekend will be the lucky one...who knows :-)

Soo--lots of random thoughts, but I must leave you with one more. 

"About a month ago I got a cactus.  A week later, it died.  Unfortunately, that means I'm less nurturing than a desert."


  1. Hope this week-end's music will be recorded & I can get a copy! Think there's a chance?

  2. hey nicki. I like the idea of scaring away all those coyotes out there. Haha. Also I highly recommend the zero budget type. That's what I've used for the past 5 years and it really helps you keep track of where every penny goes (which to me is a must!) Good luck with it. I know youlll like it if you are anything like me. Most people get stressed out when they have to do a budget, but I get stressed out if I haven't done one yet. Haha.


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