Saturday, August 7, 2010

Wings and Softball

We had a fun evening last night!  It was the grand opening of The Wharf restaurant on the waterfront and they had 10 cent wings....could it be any more of a calling to me??  I love wings and to make them so cheap?!  It was quite packed, or course, but I really enjoyed my hot wings and Ranch (just in case you were wondering, their Ranch does live up to my expectations...wonderful!).  I was incredibly stuffed and then we headed off to watch some of our friends' coed softball game!  The Phils are 13 and 1 so far this season and are doing AWESOME!  Go Phils!  

While we were watching their game, I had an interesting conversation with the daughter of a couple on the team.  Her name is Cody and she is this incredibly talented actress-and only 15 at that!  She does a lot of community theater here in Morgantown and was telling me that they're in need of more actors/singers for their upcoming musical-Sweeney Todd!  So after discussing with her the practice schedule and a little bit about how everything works there....she convinced me to audition!  Crazy, right?  How can I toss another thing into my schedule??  But I have always wanted to do community theater and never thought I had the time.  Cody says that the practices are weeknights..and on days that I usually am not doing anything!  What are the chances?!  So, I'm excited to give it a try...see if I've got the skills to do this.  I loved what theater I have done in the past, so I figure I can try this out and see if it's something I'm comfortable with continuing.  The show is around Halloween and they use a lot of the same cast members from show to show-so if I wanted to continue, it would give me a foot in the door.  

So!  I'll do a little audition and see what happens!  We're trying to get Adam involved, too-but he's concerned about time commitment as well, so he probably will be unable to do it.

So anyway...that's what's new with me...Now I'm ready for a fun filled Sunday tomorrow - cookouts, outdoor baptisms, and practice for our upcoming special at church from GLEE!  Fun times!  Don't Stop Believing!

1 comment:

  1. You'd be great in Sweeney Todd!!! Best of luck to ya!


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