Tuesday, August 24, 2010

So, most of  you know that I have been studying since May to take my PMP (Project Management Professional) Exam.  It's coming up this Saturday morning from 8am-12:30pm.  I would like to solicit as many prayers from you all as possible!  Passing this would mean great possibilities for success at my job and would really validate this career I have started. 

It's not likely that I will pass it my first try.  Many people have to take it at least twice before they pass.  I am hoping to NOT have to do that since it is quite expensive each time I take it.  Also, in order for certain opportunities to open up in the near future, I need to have this certification now.  So--needless to say, I'm a little nervous about it (that's probably an understatement).  It is a test that is built to be tricky and weed out people that don't have the experience they say they have (the application process to even become eligible to take the exam is quite rigorous). 

With that said--I need your prayers!  It is going to be really tough and I do not feel as prepared as I would like to be.  Please pray that these last few days before the test I use wisely to study the things that will be the most useful for me on the exam.  Also, I have a really hard time sitting still and focusing on one thing for four hours straight-so pray that my mind be focused on the task at hand instead of wandering to random subjects in my life.  (Is that just a girl thing??  I can't even stop my mind from multi-tasking...)

I've heard that they score the test while I am there (computer based test), so I should know the results before I leave that day.  I will update the results, good or bad.

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