Monday, June 25, 2012

Sinus infection....Boo...

So, this past weekend, I've had a small headache.  My nose has been stopped up since around the time I found out I was pregnant.  This combination of things made for a rough night Sunday night.  The stuffiness has definitely added to the not sleeping well factor.  Last night was the usual waking up several times, going to the bathroom, flopping around, trying to breathe, pretty miserable. I woke up at 4:30 to a really bad headache so I gave up and took 4 "non-aspirin"...which is how Mylan labels generic Tylenol.  Pretty useless.  When I got up at 5:45, I started getting ready and gave up when I was trying to put on my makeup and my eyes were watering so bad I couldn't keep them open.  I emailed Rod to let him know I was going to try to catch an extra hour or so of sleep to try to shake this and then I would be in for our first meeting that morning.  When I got back up, it was a little better, but still pretty bad. 

Once I made it to work, I got into Rod's office and he thought I was crying and said--take all the time you need.  Of course, I just had the yucky distorted headache face with a combination of watery eyes.  My ears started popping and clicking today, so I knew I probably had a sinus infection.  I called my obgyn and they said "We treat you for pregnancy, not sickness.  See your primary care doc."  My primary care doc told me a month ago that he won't touch me cause I'm pregnant and my Obgyn should take care of my needs at this time.  Fun, right?  The nurse suggested I go to an urgent care office and they'll treat me, so after I got as much done as I could bare, I headed home around 3:30 and Adam took me to the ole' Urgent Care.  Oh--throughout the day, I had taken a total of 8 tylenol....probably shouldn't do that again...especially because it didn't work.  Urgent care told me take Benedryl and then prescribed some Amoxicillin.  I'll be good as new in a few days hopefully.  The headache got a little better, but it's still throbbing.  Boo.

We grabbed dinner at Applebees and then off to Adam's softball games where I get to relax and chill out with my homegirl Ashley and her little man Eli.  It is suprisingly cold tonight.  Supposed to get down to 47 I think.  Weird how weather works.

Oh a funnier note, Adam and I contemplated having something other than a normal baby.  Like say...a unicorn.  We have to love it.  Would we use the same names we are thinking about, or would we go for something more like "Sparkles"?  Who knows.  I'm sure this will spark some creative dreams tonight--if I sleep long enough to make it to that level.

And now, here's a belly pic.  Well-not bare belly.   I might share those if I can get motivated to drop them onto the computer from my camera.  This one was taken by Adam's phone last month.  We will take a 3 month one tomorrow or sometime this week, so I'll try to get that one up for comparison.  These will not be on Facebook, so enjoy :-)

Oh--and I've already scored some maternity clothes from a friend of mine, Emily Griffith.  She is also pregnant right now, about a month ahead of me, but seems to have an overabundance of clothes so I get to reap the benefits.  I will be getting to borrow a lot of people's clothes, so my nervousness about having enough clothes to wear is going away.  Ashley suggested a great way to keep track of whose clothes go back to whom--spreadsheet.  Right up my alley.  I created one as soon as I got home tonight and already recorded what I have so far.  My friend Lauren Byrer is going to bring over some clothes next week from her and two other girls who are probably done having babies.  And then Ashley will let me borrow some until she needs them again.  Lots to organize, lots of options.  Very fun!  I've also have gotten a few things already with birthday presents that my family got me.  I am well taken care of.  God has truly blessed us during this time. 

Nighty night.

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