Tuesday, June 26, 2012

All Better

So I woke up still with the headache this morning.  Boo.  Good  news though.  It all went away by the time I was wrapping up a meeting (around 11:15).  I'll take it.  And an added bonus of it going away...I have a little bit more energy today than I have in a while.  I'm hoping that I can keep ahold of the energy and this Second Trimester fun will go ahead and begin.  I've got a lot of Pampered Chef shows coming up in July because the host special is super rockin', so I want to be on my game for those.  It is also the month that if I sell a certain amount, I get a bundle of the new fall products for free when they come out in September.  Wish me luck! 

After I got my energy burst at work, I really got a lot done.  I stopped by the grocery store on my way home to pick up some milk, bread, and a few snacks tokeep around, and then home.  Next stop--Panera to meet with Becky, my Pamp. Chef Director for our little "you can be a director" meeting.  I really just need to be more vocal when it comes to recruiting.  I always feel like I'm bugging people when I offer the business, but what I'm really doing is sharing something great that has happened in my life.  I shouldn't be selfish and keep that to myself.  Sure, it would benefit me for people to join my team, but it really will benefit them.  I've got to remember that and make sure to share the opportunity as much as possible. 

Kathy's birthday is today (my Mother-in-Law)!  We didn't get to celebrate with her today, but we'll be getting together with the fam Friday night to hang out. 

So work is fun since people know I'm pregnant.  Everyone has advice and opinions about things.  I don't mind it at all.  It's actually really interesting to hear everybody's different experiences.  I feel like I get to be in their club now.  Not that anyone doesn't include me in things before, but now it's like this fun thing that we get to talk about anytime I meet up with people.  I'm actually a little surprised at how much the guys want to talk about their experiences with their wives.  Very entertaining!  I've already gotten a recommendation on a good daycare, if we decide to go that route.  We have a few options that we'll have to look at.  I do know that I want our kid to be around other kids once it's time to get social so they get to work on their social skills.  So, it might be a combination of options.  Who knows. 

Time for bed, now.  Oh--and we took my three months picture tonight.  So here it is.  And let me mention...I needed to pee, but Adam said he wanted it to look more dramatic, so he wouldn't let me pee before we took the picture :-)  So you're getting a combination of baby and full bladder, which always puffs my belly out.  Maybe that means my 4 mounth will be smaller...We'll just have to wait and see.

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