Thursday, February 6, 2014


I have mentioned Abby's lazy eye. It's gotten much worse over the last week so I got her appointment moved up. We went this morning to get eye drops to dilate them, and then a good ole eye exam. I had to hold her in my lap, holding her arms down and her torso. Adam had to hold her head still and the assistant had to hold her legs down. All so the dr could take a look in her eyes. You all know she's normally pretty chill, but the second he tried to hold her head still so he could look, she went nuts. Turns out that she is actually really farsighted. When her eyes try to focus in on something, the muscles that do that are on the sides of her eyes--thus they are pulled sideways. She won't have to wear an eye patch for correction and no surgery-but she does have to wear glasses. The dr said there is a chance that it will correct itself over time, but because of the severity of her far sidedness, he thinks it's likely she will wear them into her preteen years and then do contacts if she wants. So she will be joining the lifetime glasses wearers.  We picked them out today--they're a dark rose color, flexible, with a strap behind the head to keep them on. We'll get them in a couple of weeks. Here she is getting cheered up by Adam while I was picking out her glasses. 

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