Sunday, November 20, 2016

Then...the storm

For the few minutes we played on the beach, we saw storm clouds rolling in. All of a sudden, the rain came pouring down and they evacuated the beach. Because they weren't sure how long the storm was going to be, they made everyone go under the shelters to wait it out. They wouldn't let anyone else off the boat to come either, so if we got back on, we wouldn't be able to come back out. So--we waited for hours under the shelter. 

Abby had fun playing with the shells she had collected while on the beach. 

After a while, she just wanted to lay on Adam. This is a picture of Abby leaning on Adam who has his hat and sunglasses on his head with the towel over his head. It was raining so hard with so much wind that even under this large shelter we were getting wet. They eventually brought out free ponchos to everyone to help keep us comfortable. You gotta love Disney. 

Once it eased up a little bit, but they still weren't letting us out onto the beach, we decided to run over to a game shelter that no one was at. Abby played giant connect four while Adam and I played basketball, pool, and shuffleboard. All in all, it turned out to be a relaxing day. Just a wet one. Good thing we were wearing our bathing suits:-)

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