Thursday, September 25, 2014

Glasses Emergency

Our first agenda item for Orlando was to eat lunch at a restaurant in Downtown Disney. Abby napped in the car on the way and happened to have pulled her glasses off while she was sleeping. When  we made it to Downtown Disney, we woke her up and carried her through the parking lot to the restaurant to meet everyone else for lunch. When we went to put her glasses on, they were missing a lense! We weren't sure if it had fallen out in the car or in the parking lot walking into Downtown Disney. Adam and I both separately retraced our steps in the hot sun-slowly searching for a tiny clear glass lense on the ground, and then all through the car. After 20 minutes or so of searching, we were at a loss. We switched to, "how do we replace that specialty lense in Florida so she can see during her vacation" mode. Adam could not eat he was so determined to find that thing so he went back for another try. He pulled the car seat out and shook it as hard as he could in the parking lot...and heard something clink onto the ground! He found it! So--she only spent 45 minutes "in the dark", thanks to her determined daddy. That was a close one!

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