Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I dunno...nothing is interesting...

So, I do want to keep up with this blog, but I'm telling you - life just isn't that interesting lately!  Not that it's a bad thing, but it's pretty much been lots of the usual stuff....lots of work, which is highly confidential...and church...and a few tv shows here and there to stay "in tune" with current culture.  (I gotta be hip you know...)

I think the most interesting thing about my life right now is that I have some great friends that are pregnant...what a crazy thought.  A little person is growing in a sack of liquid...that will one day give people hugs, talk back, drive a car, and maybe even create another little gooey sack of a person.   Really crazy how God worked that out.  I really like having pregnant friends.  I was thinking about why it is that I like it so much...I think it's because it gives me an excuse to touch their belly.  No, wait...that's not it....that would be creepy...Maybe it's because I will get to know a little person that is God's perfect blend of their parents-whom I love.  I dunno...it's just such a neat gift to grow something...but much better than growing fresh herbs  (basil, parsley..you know).  I can't wait to see their faces...and maybe try to corrupt them in some way, because that's what friends are for ;-)

Here's a picture of a couple of them - Ashley and Hillary....what cutie pies they are pregnant :-)  Again, I apologize for the poor quatlity of my camera phone - but it's so much easier to load those pics than my real camera.

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