Friday, November 19, 2010

Turkey and Dressing!

So sorry for the delay in posting!  I just forget to, and then when I remember, I can't think of anything interesting to write about :-)

So Thanksgiving is next week, in case you've been living in a cave for the last month and have lost track of time.  I'll be going to Memphis from Tuesday to Sunday.  I have determined that one trip to see family a year is just not enough.  Unfortuntely, because of the high costs of flying, long distance of driving, and lack of weekend availability due to Adam's and my involvement at the church--it just isn't easy to make it there many other times.  Hopefully we'll figure something out for this next year though because my neice will probably soon be driving (she's 1 1/2  years old now) and I'm afraid she won't even know who I am.  I hate that!  She's so cute and I want to be her fun Aunt Nicki!  Anyway, at least we'll get to see her and the rest of my family next week.

Since Thanksgiving is coming up, we decided to do a Thanksgiving Home Group Sunday night (oh wait--i'm sorry--Community Group!  I loose track of what they call it all the time).  We're all going to bring some dishes and play games and stuff ourselves full of food!  I'll gain weight just in time to see my family that I never get to see...exciting :-)  So I decided I wanted to go ahead and give making a turkey a try. I've been compiling recipes and tips over the last week or so and I think I finally have settled on what I'm doing.  I'll be brining the turkey over night and then roasting it in an oven bag with and Herb Butter rub on the skin.  Yum!  If it's good, I'll post the details for anyone else's use.  If it's'll have to settle for a picture!  I am also going to be attempting a stuffing/dressing recipe from one of my grandmothers.  This recipe involves me making cornbread...which I have also never made before.  I don't like cornbread, but for some reason, this stuffing is delicious!  So, my Mom decided she wanted to buy me a real Cast Iron Skillet to make my cornbread in.  It's really nice!  It's pre-seasoned (from Cracker Barrell) and has a lid and everything.  I'm very excited to use it.  It's super heavy duty and I expect it will last me the rest of my life.  Here it is:

It is bigger in person!
So, tonight I will be making my herb butter, tomorrow I'll be making my cornbread and then stuffing and starting the brining process for the turkey, and Sunday I'll be roastin that bird!  I of course want it to be flavorful, moist, and all around spectacular...but I guess I'll settle for edible.  I mean, let's be honest, everyone is expecting it to be dry anyway, right?  Turkey = dry meat. Isn't that why we make gravy?  So, if it's not dry-I'll be ahead of the game!  My next food project will be roasting little peasants....or is it pheasants? because one of those probably wouldn't be very humane...hmm...  Anyway-I have had a roasting cookbook for a while now that I've been waiting to try out for just Adam and myself.  Maybe this whole turkey thing will give the go ahead to try to cook some other things that way.  We'll just have to see. 

I am a little disappointed that I didn't get to make some Turkey cupcakes that I've been wanting to do.  No...they're not made of're gross!  They LOOK like whole turkeys sitting on top of the cupcake on a bed of lettuce (that is colored corn flakes).  Unfortunately, I just won't have the time to do three things this time.  Maybe next year :-)

On that note, I'll leave you with a quote:

"Never drink water - if it can rust iron, imagine what it can do to your stomach."

1 comment:

  1. We can start doing more video chats so she can see you. That's what we've been doing with Alison's parents once a week...


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